Code Docs

Shmup Code Documentation

Shmup Code Documentation


Before you get started, I just want to say there are a few classes that we don’t really need to go over.

They’ve been imported from GitAmend and are at a point where we should never really need to tamper with them. Most of it is the entire EventBus system.

There are a lot of files associated with it, he has a whole video on it, but how we use it is very simple, and we’ve been using it just fine without needed to go into depth on how it works. We can totally go into it if you want though, it’s just not necessary to learn about for the sake of understanding the systems.

This also includes the Bootstrapper, ServiceLocator, and ServiceManager classes. All, no doubt, very important, but they have no direct interaction with what we do.


The art is all sorts of funky, a lot of things are like half into the floors and I don’t even know why.

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